The Venus Lounge with Taiyla Bayne
A conversational style podcast that allows you to sink deeper into life and astrology knowledge. Your host, Taiyla Bayne is an transformational astrologer and singer. With more than half of her personal planets in sensual Taurus - The Venus Lounge seemed a perfect match for her musings. Enjoy the descent deeper into her world and hopefully the ascent into lighter parts of yours xx
The Venus Lounge with Taiyla Bayne
Cosmic Connections: My Personal Experience with Relationship and How It Relates to Astrology
Can the intense energy of Scorpio transform not just your relationships but also your entire being? Join me as I unpack a personal story of growth and discovery through the lens of my North Node in Scorpio. This deeply transformative journey with a Scorpio partner showcases the dual nature of Scorpio energy—how it propels spiritual growth and self-awareness while challenging us with its complexity. By embracing our vulnerabilities and exploring the darker aspects of our personalities, we can find empowerment and growth. This episode offers an intimate look at how cosmic influences shape our paths and relationships, urging us to embrace every part of ourselves for true personal fulfilment.
Astrology isn't just about predicting the future; it's a guide to understanding our present and navigating the intricate dance of relationships and self-development. As we explore the profound teachings of astrology, particularly during pivotal times like 2024, this episode promises to unravel the mysteries of balancing personal sovereignty with meaningful connections. By decoding the complexities of astrological charts and relationship dynamics, we can uncover lessons about our true selves and enhance our happiness, even when faced with Scorpio's challenging energy and complex communication style. With a focus on the power of communication and the layers in our interactions, this conversation will leave you inspired to harness astrology as a tool for personal insight and growth.
Welcome to the Venus Lounge, a podcast designed to allow you to kick back and relax Venusian style, whilst listening to eye-opening conversations on life, love and all things. Astrology Buckle up, hello. Energy. Buckle up Hello. Today's episode was made at the same time as I made my previous relating podcast episode. If you haven't heard that, definitely go back and listen.
Speaker 1:This is kind of like a part two to that, with a little bit of my own personal experience from a romantic relationship that I had and how that person's energy was really connected into my chart. So I have my North Node, which is the placement of my destiny or kind of what I'm meant to move towards, in Scorpio. Now, one of my past partners was a Scorpio and this was a very connecting, connected, transformative relationship of mine. It was very intense, it was very deep and it was very merged. If I had more of like a simple view on astrology and I knew kind of the basics of my North node, I would say, oh, my north node meant to move towards that energy, that Scorpio energy, perfect. So I moved towards that Scorpio energy. Of course, this is before I know anything about astrology, because that is just how we move. I think our unconscious energy draws us towards things in order to learn and make it conscious, and that can be through people as well, these mirrors and these, yeah, these people that carry lessons for us to kind of understand. I feel like they're just kind of dotted throughout our life. So, anyway, I am in a relationship with this person.
Speaker 1:I come to understand the positives of Scorpio. I also come to understand the negatives of Scorpio. So, you know, the positives are it's a very merged relationship. It's very intense, it's very deep, it's very connected to transformation and spiritual growth. On the negative side, it was I'm not sure the best the best words. I guess the negatives were that it was I'm not sure the best the best words. Uh, I guess the negatives were that it was transformative and it was constant, um, you know, constantly transformative and in terms of the nervous system, that can not be the best way to grow at all times.
Speaker 1:I think that it this is the thing about Scorpio energy. I think that it's most people don't go into it and I feel like that's a real loss, because they never learn to alchemize things that make them vulnerable or darker sides of themselves that they find more taboo, which is actually where a lot of your power lies. So I think it's a really good initiation and an important thing to do in life to actually pay attention to what makes you feel defensive, uncomfortable. You know all of that and actually go into it. But there can be the flip side of that. When people go too hard into the Scorpio energy, also known as Scorpios and you know, you can also get lost there and you can be constantly transforming and constantly paying attention to the darkness within you. But there comes a point where that can really weigh you down. So whilst on one hand, I don't really believe in living just superficially and on the surface and never going into things that are deeper within you, because I do feel like it doesn't allow for as much impact and power, I also you know as well really believe that too much of anything is not great.
Speaker 1:So when I followed my North Node, I learned about these two sides. Everything is dualistic, everything is complex, everything is nuanced. Everything is also super simple in life. You know you can just be like oh, look at this tree, amazing, beautiful. That's Taurus energy, then Scorpio energy. Its opposite is a little bit more complex and that's similar to life as well. There's so many different places we go in our psychology things, we think ways of seeing things as well, and we are in Scorpio season at the time of me recording this, so you could be feeling that more than usual. But even if you're listening are in Scorpio season at the time of me recording this, so you could be feeling that more than usual. But even if you're listening, outside of Scorpio season, I'm just trying to detail, I guess, yeah the complexity of Scorpio. So I experienced both positive and negatives from this energy of moving towards my North Node and it was perfect. I experienced control. I experienced psychological I don't want to use too intense of words, but it was just very psychological, is what I will say and at times when you go to that place, as I said, it's just not always a good thing, even though I love psychology it's one of my favorite things it's really a big reason why I moved towards astrology, which I'll get into another day or on another podcast. But yeah, so I really learned about Scorpio in its totality. Now there's two versions of me that kind of exist.
Speaker 1:When I think about this person On a basic human level, I feel the pain very obviously in my body, at times more so, you know, not really right now, but definitely it's been a reoccurring pattern and theme that I've had to really feel and move through and at times it can feel difficult to experience that level of psychological kind of confusion or gaslighting. But from an astrological perspective or let's say a higher perspective because the stars are up way way high, higher than us and our little physical experience um, from that higher perspective I can recognize okay, cool, you taught me amazing lessons. I was meant to go towards it and then I was also meant to end it. I was also meant to transform through it. I was meant to transform in it and I was meant to transform outside of it and I was meant to transform by letting go of it, all of the different things. It was just.
Speaker 1:It's so interesting and I'll probably get into this story, perhaps in some ways in other podcasts or in writings or whatever, but what I'm just trying to explain is that, even though it was really really hard and difficult for my human self or my physical self to experience the darker side of this person and this connection and energy, it also taught me so much. It taught me so much when I was in it and it taught me so much when I was releasing it. It taught me about how Scorpio Energy holds and, you know, tries to. It just has different power dynamics that are connected to it and all of these different things. But I was able to see it for what it was on both levels when I could look at it.
Speaker 1:In my chart I can see that, you know, my romantic partnerships are connected to Scorpio energy In a way. It was quite destined. It was really expansive, it was really beautiful, it was very just connected to my destiny as a whole and when I was with this person I also had this feeling like God, my biggest thing is going to be I'm going to have to let this go, I'm going to have to leave, aren't I Like? This is going to have to not move through. And it's just this subtle sense that just came to me one day and I thought it was so interesting because it's like, oh, I should move through this thing or move towards this thing, because it's my north node and it's what I'm drawn towards. But, as I said, yeah, there's just so many complexities to that that I guess shouldn't be overlooked. And that's when you know, when you study astrology or you get a really good astrologer who is a little bit more complex and can understand those things, it makes a lot more sense to the nuance you know within you. So, when it comes to relating to anybody, there are things that you know can be within your chart and their chart. When you bring them together, that can really strengthen your bond.
Speaker 1:Other relationships are designed for learning. Other relationships are designed for destiny or deep, deep lessons. Others are more able to be on the surface, but I think ultimately, what I'm trying to get at is, you know, especially during such an intense time and intense year, 2024 was really so much about relating but also connecting to our true selves and our sovereignty, and oftentimes those two things don't go together. Relating relationships and then our own sovereignty. That's what people, when they come out of this year, will probably look back and say okay, did I go really hard on, like I'm just going to ruthlessly kind of get this thing and then forget about people or connections, connections or they have not moved forward on themselves at all and gotten caught up in drama, procrastination or confusion. That was the lesson of this year. It's still going, you still have time, don't stress, but it's good to. Yeah, just learn the lessons and I think it'll just be really interesting to all, I guess, come out of this year and really see what lessons we did learn via other people.
Speaker 1:And I think the work that we can do now is really try to dive into our charts, try to understand you know, what is this person triggering within me? And also, ultimately, how do I make relating and also being with myself and being my true self work together? And I think, just from my perspective and from an astrological perspective, perhaps the best way or one of the best ways to be able to do that is to really understand that we are all here teaching each other. There's a really beautiful quote. I can't I'm probably going to butcher it, but it's something like we're all just here, walking each other home, and when I used to read it, I used to really connect it back into this concept of like home, getting home, back home to ourselves, home to our true selves, knowing of our true selves and having awareness of you know who we actually are underneath all of the conditioning or the layers of things that we are societally or what. We've learnt all of that and really, the more I engaged with astrology, the more I understood there are so many lessons playing out at all times on so many different levels, but one of the easiest ones that we can actually see, because it's so obvious and visceral in front of us, are the ones that are playing out through other people with us.
Speaker 1:So I really think that our relationships are just so much more interesting and helpful than we think. You know whether, let's say, a person separates from you and then they're like, oh, I'm able to be my true self. It's like you guys still did that lesson together. It's hard for me to explain, did that lesson together? It's hard for me to explain. I'm trying to think of like a way that I can explain it. It's just we're all playing roles for each other and we all see each other based off our own charts and how we interact with the other energy as well.
Speaker 1:So I think ultimately, what I'm getting at is there's a lot of nuance in life. There's a lot of nuance in energy and astrology and everybody's charts and also the way that we all meet together. And I think trying to understand those complexities whilst also maintaining some simplicities of life, like self-care, you know, knowing yourself, connecting just to yourself purely and only, is really important. But I think the more we can kind of carve out space for the complexity and try to understand. I think that is really really helpful. Obviously, there are people on the planet who would prefer not to look into that stuff. I think that there's a limit to what those people can maybe create happiness wise, or even energy wise, you know, and even career wise, or whatever. So I think it is a super important thing and a really cool thing to cultivate because, yeah, it's powerful and gives you a lot more power to work with, you know, in the world as well.
Speaker 1:But the ego is a funny little thing and I think it can be hard especially if somebody has a lot of Scorpio or if there's a lot of Scorpio energy in the air can be hard for people to actually want to talk or say, ok, what's just happened? How do we relate? What's going on, wonder what we're teaching each other Like. I always love that, whether I'm arguing with somebody or you know, it's happy days I'd love like, oh, that thing you say, like that, really you know, or whatever, and then just discovering, like the cosmic energy around that together just feels so cool. But often communication can really be a block to that. Different communication styles people thinking you're, you know, either attacking or like probing or asking something deep, so nuanced, so many. You know, we all have so many funny little personality complexes and defense mechanisms, but I think really that's like very Scorpio as well, just that kind of diverting of the energy or it's not. You know me, it's you and all of that kind of thing.
Speaker 1:So I think it's a really potent time for all of this work and I think that the more we can, I guess, move through our egos, defenses or feeling afraid or scared or rejected or worried, and having that block come up when we're engaging with others, to actually be able to bring that down and talk honestly and authentically and real, you know, and have it be a little bit more neutral where it's like what are we trying to learn? Like I'm interested and I'm curious, I love that. I'm yet to find that in, you know, relation, not romantic relationships, but friendship, you know, across the board. But yeah, I think it's a really cool part of friendship that maybe we overlook just that ability to have thought and, you know, be a little bit more removed in the sense of not that we don't have feelings, and it's very human and physical and emotional and we need to still experience that, but also, you know, because that's a part of healing but an integration. But I just think it could allow for more open understanding and maybe a higher perspective with the way that we engage with ourselves, the world and other people. So, yeah, just wanted to drop that in here. I was getting kind of nudged about it over the past week.
Speaker 1:I hope it helped somebody out there listening and, yeah, I'm going to tune in with you guys soon, feeling drawn towards podcasting again. For sure. I hope you're having a beautiful Scorpio season if you're listening at the time of recording. Otherwise, have a beautiful day or night and I'll speak to you soon. Bye, have a beautiful day or night and I'll speak to you soon. Bye, and just like that, another episode of the Venus Lounge is done and dusted. If you've made it this far, please be sure to like, leave a review, subscribe and share wherever you can. This helps me out so much. Can't wait to see you next time. Bye for now.