The Venus Lounge with Taiyla Bayne
A conversational style podcast that allows you to sink deeper into life and astrology knowledge. Your host, Taiyla Bayne is an transformational astrologer and singer. With more than half of her personal planets in sensual Taurus - The Venus Lounge seemed a perfect match for her musings. Enjoy the descent deeper into her world and hopefully the ascent into lighter parts of yours xx
The Venus Lounge with Taiyla Bayne
Diving Into Scorpio: A Catalyst for Personal Evolution
Unlock the mysteries of Scorpio energy with us as we journey through its transformative power, especially during Scorpio season and the new or full moon. Ever found yourself grappling with contradictions or seeking harmony in chaos? This episode is your guide to harnessing Scorpio's dynamic force for personal growth. With a deeply personal history with the sign, I'll walk you through its complexity, while unravelling its potential to probe psychological depths and help you bridge the gap to grounded realities. Whether Scorpio dominates your astrological chart or merely piques your curiosity, discover how its influence can uniquely shape your journey.
Venturing further, we'll explore the potential for profound change that Scorpio energy offers when embraced wholeheartedly. This sign invites us into a realm where vulnerabilities aren’t just exposed but transformed into strengths, challenging us to confront our shadows and transcend comfort zones. We'll dive into Scorpio's role in love and relationships, where unaddressed negativity can stunt intimacy. By bringing awareness to hidden patterns, Scorpio becomes a tool for rebirth, urging us to use its intensity for meaningful transformation. Whether you're a newcomer to astrology or a seasoned devotee, prepare for an insightful ride into the world of Scorpio energy and its capacity to catalyse deep, personal evolution.
Welcome to the Venus Lounge, a podcast designed to allow you to kick back and relax Venusian style, whilst listening to eye-opening conversations on life, love and all things astrology. Buckle up. Hello. Today I'm going to be talking to you about Scorpio energy. Currently, there is a lot of Scorpio energy circulating in the collective because we are in Scorpio season and approaching a new moon in Scorpio. If you're listening to this podcast episode outside of that timeframe, don't stress. If you're here, you're meant to be here, so definitely keep listening, okay.
Speaker 1:So Scorpio energy it's a funny one. It's complex, it's nuanced. I have a love hate relationship with it. I think there's many great things about Scorpio energy and I think there's many negatives. And ultimately, the study of astrology, in my opinion, is a really important thing to do, just to bridge opposites and dualities into more of a harmonious place within you and your energy and your personality. So every zodiac sign has a positive and negative and the more that you learn about them and really take them in within your own self, your energy, your body, the more you're really able to find these happy mediums within each kind of outer celestial movement and also just within your own chart and your energy. In saying that, scorpio energy will affect everybody differently, depending on where Scorpio sits in your chart and what planets are connected to Scorpio energy. A lot of us can have, you know, a severe amount of Scorpio in our chart. We can have a debilitated energy of Scorpio in our chart and we could also have a lack of Scorpio energy in our chart. Depending on these factors, you know, you will feel Scorpio season and the new and full moons differently. They could just be really calm or they could be super duper intense. So that's for you to kind of just feel into, all right. So Scorpio energy is quite complex, very nuanced, very contradictory in a lot of ways as well. Scorpio is known as being a very transformative energy. Yet when we think about just our pure, you know, sun in Scorpio humans on a physical level they can actually resist their own transformation, and Scorpio also rules depth and intimacy. Yet I've also found that a lot of Scorpios can be purely sexual but lack a sense of intimacy. So it really just depends on where the placement is, if it's a sun in Scorpio.
Speaker 1:Throughout this podcast I'm not necessarily talking about people who are suns in Scorpio, but I'm more speaking on the energy of Scorpio as a whole. The energy of Scorpio can be quite rattling when it is occurring to the collective, because we are more attuned to and used to Scorpio's opposite, which is Taurus. We're used to everything that Taurus rules, which is you know the physical world, nature, money very much. So like you're there, I'm here, we're talking, you know just very much in the physical realm. And then the Scorpio energy is the opposite to that. It's a lot more probing, investigative, psychological. It is also discussing what we cannot see and maybe what we don't want to see. For many people that can feel like something they don't want to do. It could also feel kind of unnecessary. And yeah, I think that perhaps the blessings of Scorpio are outweighed by the intensity of the energy that is felt by people when we do have a lot of Scorpio energy in the collective. Scorpio is very mysterious, it's very unknown, it's very connected to yeah, fear, death, everything. That is not exactly just totally easy conversation. And yet when we actually dive deep enough into those energies, we can really excavate a lot of our density within, which can really allow us to go to new heights and rebirth and transform into a version of ourselves that perhaps we didn't know or think that we could even get to. So it's a really special energy if you can use it as a vehicle for growth, and that's definitely what I suggest to people who have a lot of Scorpio or who have significant Scorpio placements in their chart.
Speaker 1:Scorpio energy can definitely be used for evil. It's kind of like every villain in any show or movie. It's kind of like every villain in any show or movie. It can definitely be used for evil. It can be very defensive, hugely connected to it and attached to their ego, very self-conscious, yet they won't make you like, allow you to see it. It will more come across as like they're mysterious, but really there's a deep self-consciousness and perhaps even insecurity going on there as well. So it's a finicky sign.
Speaker 1:In so many ways it holds a lot of power and then in other ways, it holds kind of the lowest density of human vibrations as well. So you can start to see why it's so important to really engage with the higher portion of Scorpio energy. Power can be used to make an impact or it could be used to hurt when Scorpio energy and this is kind of more directly related to Scorpios when Scorpios get hurt, they definitely have a defense mechanism that comes out and then they start to sting others. So it's a yeah, it's just a very important energy to get a hold on so that you are able to you know alchemize and Scorpio energy, scorpio season, scorpio full moons, new moons all of it very connected to alchemy, very connected to becoming the alchemist and realizing that you are not your lower vibration and density and negative thoughts, but also recognizing that Scorpio energy and when we are in Scorpio season, et cetera, it's a really good energy and a good time to actually delve into the negative thought a little bit more than what I would suggest at any other time. You have to be careful with this because Scorpio is a negative sign.
Speaker 1:I've definitely been around quite a few actually so many Scorpios, and often, unless they're on the cusp of Libra or Sagittarius although Scorpio Sagittarius is kind of even more insane unless they're on the cusp I do find that they often have quite a bit of negativity to move through. This can come through in terms of like control, but also just demeaning others, I think, in terms of finding control within themselves. It's complicated and there's different levels of Scorpio energy. There are Scorpios out there that have a little bit more awareness and probably have other placements that are softening them as well. And then there are pure Scorpios, which definitely have some defense mechanisms and a war-like tendency.
Speaker 1:Scorpio is also funny in that you know its ruling planet is Pluto, but also Mars. So there's this heat and this drive and this intensity and this passion, but there's also this kind of destructiveness and almost, I want to say coldness. Well, definitely coldness to it all as well. So you can really start to see that it's quite an intricate sign and it really depends on where you sit with Scorpio energy. That will explain a little bit more as to how you experience Scorpio energy. I think Scorpio can be very driven, very transformative, very intense, very loyal, very protective. But I've definitely experienced the other side, where it's cold and demeaning and controlling, psychologically manipulative and gaslighting and just super, super intense. So what's the best way for us to access Scorpio energy? I really feel like the best way is just to see it as a tool for transformation. Feel like the best way is just to see it as a tool for transformation.
Speaker 1:Often I notice when we are in Scorpio season or there's a lot of Scorpio energy, a lot of people can squirm underneath the uncomfortability. Scorpio rules the part of the body as well that is kind of the part of the body or the energy that we don't speak about. It rules fluids, body fluids and secretions and things like that. So it's very connected to detox as well, but it's also connected to toxins and poison. So we tend to really experience during Scorpio season this release of toxicity, this release and just detox really all throughout our body and energy. It's also quite porous, like it's a porous energy, I feel, like it's all encompassing and it can really go everywhere.
Speaker 1:And if you are a sensitive person, my work is really for you because I really try to speak to sensitive people. There's a lot of people, obviously, who are able to live more of a you know um, surface based not in a necessarily bad way life where they can just kind of move through things and they're happy, you know, sort of doing that. But I think there's also people who feel things intensely and have these senses and these sensitivities where they can feel and understand whoa, something just changed or there's an intense energy going on. And I really want to speak to you, speak to those people who do feel that, but also people who just want to delve more into themselves and more growth and healing, and Scorpio energy is definitely a big one I suggest in my readings to really go towards and work with, because it can really unearth whatever is keeping you trapped in more of your surface reality, which is also connected to your comfort zone, your patterns. So it may be you know that you can live this life and feel physical or surface based, but perhaps there's this energy of like something within you that it's like oh, I know there's more, I know there's more energy to you know, receive or to gain or to work with or to unearth, and I think when you feel like that, that's definitely Scorpio calling you and that's a good time for a transformation.
Speaker 1:So definitely, working with and playing with the Scorpio energy in your chart can be really helpful to alchemize yourself, transform yourself, rebirth yourself into someone that perhaps you never knew you could be. This also, of course, requires the ability to move through your ego's defenses and defense mechanisms. That's a really big part of it. You have to be willing to be vulnerable to gain the transformation on the other side. That's being vulnerable with others, but it's also being vulnerable with yourself, to the point of actually looking at your dark side, your darkness and what is perhaps not great about you, in order to see it, to release it, to transform it, to move on, you know, and move through higher levels, better patterns, etc.
Speaker 1:So my biggest suggestion with Scorpio energy, and especially with the energy right now, if you're listening at this time of upload, is take a look at the poison that comes out Anytime. Scorpio is a big player in the sky or in. You know what's going on with the astrology. Really take note of your poisons. Sometimes it's not just like, oh, I'm having all these negative thoughts and I'm anxious and I need to move to a better feeling place. You know, as you know, we love to say in the spiritual community. It's also like hmm, why am I having this thought? What is this linked to? This is a really good time to delve into those questions.
Speaker 1:Ask yourself those questions and once you do, you'll start to recognize different patterns and you'll also start to free up space within you, within your energy and also ultimately, within your relating love and relationships, because Scorpio is very connected to love and relationships. It's just that if there's a lot of it or a lot of kind of negative energy with it, it can also block intimacy and love and relationships. So it kind of goes against the loving harmony of relationship in a lot of ways. But if you can get to the point of depth, that is true, and not just depth like wanting to pull people apart psychologically or yourself psychologically, and yet have this intensity that is kind of for no reason, but actually having purpose behind the intensity and perhaps even having love behind the intention of driving the intensity. This is probably more specific to my people who have, you know, a heightened Scorpio energy in their chart, but, who knows, could relate to anybody.
Speaker 1:So take this Scorpio season, take this time right now, take the Scorpio in your chart as a little messenger of the darkness, perhaps a little messenger of the dark side, perhaps within you, within humanity, within energy as well, learn about it, alchemize it. I feel like it really increases your awareness, but it also increases the power of your output and impact, because when there's a level of awareness, I feel like our actions kind of cut through things a little bit more. So, definitely, scorpio is just gold for that, for really strengthening our awareness of our own patterns and the patterns of the world, so that we can get a better view of them and have more awareness. Awareness is the key to Scorpio, but there are a lot of different paths that Scorpio takes to get there. As I mentioned, one is that kind of more lower density vibration where there's that stinging and that defense mechanism and the obsession and the erratic, you know, kind of nature of the Scorpio that makes calls based off their passion or what they believe is true, when really, if they had have alchemized their own darkness and actually taken a look at themselves, been that mirror to themselves which often Suns and Scorpio can struggle with, then they could have reached that level of transformation where they went into a place of wisdom and actually got to see different patterns like, oh okay, this is happening for this reason or this is happening for that reason. It's kind of similar to my last podcast episode, but ultimately we just want to reach a level of awareness that we are not having so much fear of the unknown, so much fear of our own darkness, of being seen truly being seen, you know, for everything and also being vulnerable with ourselves. That's the ultimate. You can't say, oh, you're not seeing me for who I am. You know when it's like do you even, are you even working with it? Are you even seeing it? So I'm talking to a lot of people right now and I'm getting little images of kind of different people popping into my mind. You'll know which one is you who I've spoken to during this podcast. But I hope that you just take away from this that Scorpio has lots of layers and lots of levels and it's important to connect to the level that's actually going to help you, your awareness and your ultimate transformation and rebirth into the person you want to be.
Speaker 1:Scorpio is the energy to call upon, definitely if you're feeling like you're in a rut or a comfort zone and you are ready and willing to undergo a new transformation of yourself, to shed layers of things that are just no longer you. It's destructive for a reason. It's just that you use the energy of each zodiac sign from your level of awareness. So let's say you know we have a Scorpio that has no awareness. They are destroying things in order to transform and change, but they don't recognize that they're destroying things they actually want.
Speaker 1:Let's say don't recognize that they're destroying things they actually want. Let's say, for example, they'll just blow it up because you know that's their only level of awareness or understanding. They know they're here to transform. So I'm going to destroy everything, I'm going to transform everything. But if their level of awareness is just that physical, and you did this and I did it and I don't want to be in this job, or you're you know wanting to play power dynamics or whatever job? Or you're you know wanting to play power dynamics or whatever? Bring that awareness into somebody else's body that is a little bit more aware of patterns. Then they're going to be the person that's asking all right, what patterns am I, like, going to destroy? There's more discernment. The higher you get up with, I guess, your awareness, then the higher your destruction goes. Like maybe perhaps you know what I'm getting at is like the higher the vibration of destruction goes and it can become something that is helpful. Just like when we have a garden, we need to, you know, dig up plants, we need to take some plants out. If it's not working, the soil needs to be cleared, it needs to be worked, and there's a level of destruction that goes on with nature at all times. Destruction is not inherently negative. It's the vibration of the person who is holding destruction that kind of determines that.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I hope you have a beautiful Scorpio season or Scorpio new moon or full moon, if you're listening to that this now or then. Otherwise, yeah, I hope you delve into the Scorpio in your chart and get to understand it a little bit more. These are just quick podcasts and astrology is so, so complex and I always want to talk about 100 million things in them. Astrology is so, so complex and I always want to talk about 100 million things in them. Yeah, I'll leave it there anyway. Have a beautiful night and enjoy this Scorpio energy. Bye, and just like that, another episode of the Venus Lounge is done and dusted. If you've made it this far, please be to like, leave a review, subscribe and share wherever you can. This helps me out so much. Can't wait to see you next time. Bye for now.