The Venus Lounge with Taiyla Bayne
A conversational style podcast that allows you to sink deeper into life and astrology knowledge. Your host, Taiyla Bayne is an transformational astrologer and singer. With more than half of her personal planets in sensual Taurus - The Venus Lounge seemed a perfect match for her musings. Enjoy the descent deeper into her world and hopefully the ascent into lighter parts of yours xx
The Venus Lounge with Taiyla Bayne
Cancer Energy: Nurturing Emotional Health, Connecting with Your Inner Child and Understanding Insecurity
Discover the powerful relationship between your current self and your inner child and learn how becoming mentally present can help you overcome passive behaviours and people-pleasing tendencies. We explore the shadow side of Cancer, delving into the emotions of envy, jealousy, and insecurity, and how they tie back to our need for self-love. By understanding and embracing our emotional patterns, we can achieve a harmonious balance between our physical and emotional states, ultimately boosting self-esteem and emotional well-being. Tune in to find out how surrendering to these energies can lead to a more fulfilling life.
Welcome to the Venus Lounge, a podcast designed to allow you to kick back and relax Venusian style, whilst listening to eye-opening conversations on life, love and all things astrology. Buckle up, hello, beautiful beings. I'm so happy to be back with you recording this podcast episode today. I love to do these episodes when I feel like the energy is a little bit more heightened and people are kind of looking for those connection points to have a little bit more clarity and understanding. Now, something that really can affect that is cancer season.
Speaker 1:We are currently in cancer season. It happens every year and, depending on your chart, it affects you in different ways to other people. Always, though, and kind of across the board, it's usually a deep kind of transformative experience every year to traverse cancer season. It's quite murky as well, so cancer energy in general can kind of lead to a little bit of confusion or disarray at times. This is because cancer and the cancer in our chart and cancer season all really links back to our emotional state, our energy state and our childhood as well, so it's kind of very interlinked and it's very interwoven with the other parts of you, and it's kind of the basis as well of everything else that is formed, or at least in like the way that it is formed. So it really is this like emotional and energetic building block and what I really notice is that cancer season really tries to come for us in the best way possible, although at times it doesn't feel like that. It really tries to come for us so that we can take notice of our foundation, take notice of our emotions and our energy and in the long run that really can create some amazing results.
Speaker 1:Something that can be difficult about this is that it kind of is linked with our awareness as well. So thinking about how is best to describe this, cancer can be a reactive sign. It also rules passive aggressiveness. So, depending on our ability to hold and love ourselves and know ourselves and kind of be connected to our deeper emotional currents that are coming from a really inner kind of younger state, depending on our ability to connect to all those things that kind of shapes the way that we experience cancer season. So let's say we have little to no connection to our childhood or our roots or how we were kind of brought up and what that instilled in us energetically and emotionally, then we can find ourselves reacting and feeling quite moody.
Speaker 1:Now moods are the cancer's way of describing to us what we are feeling inside. Now, there's nuance to that because, you know, we can have moods from several things. It can be, you know, physical and or something could literally have happened. What I'm more talking about is a very specific kind of mood that feels like there is something underneath it and often if we haven't really experimented that much with vulnerability and being truly real and honest, then it can feel really uncomfortable and we will just keep it on the level of having a mood or reacting.
Speaker 1:Cancer season and our life will always draw us into experiencing what is underneath that current, what's underneath that energy, what's underneath that mood, what's underneath that uncomfortability. Cancer season, I really notice, brings this uncomfortability up to the surface. Unless you know you have a good relationship with your emotions, a good relationship with your inner child. What I also notice about cancer season is that our parents and our family become really relevant, and I think this is in order to connect us to that inner child state, and at times I've noticed that we can even perceive ourselves or be treated by our parents in a similar way to how we experienced them in childhood. I think this is all really like perfect and beautiful, but it can be painful if we have not, as I've mentioned, become comfortable or aware of the things that are underpinning our energy and emotions. So that's really our first point of call during cancer season.
Speaker 1:On a personal note, something I've really noticed this cancer season is maybe finally being able to see my parents as the individuals that they are and this is also a tricky subject because once again so much nuance and especially just so different for everybody. But I think I've come to the point where I've gone to my inner self, which is always a journey and always kind of constant. But I've gone to that source, that inner child, and I've held that person, that version of me that's constantly with me, that past version but also very present version, the version of me that is holding space for purity and love and connection. And the more that I have gone there and held her or that version of me through anything, the more that I'm noticing my perception on parents or family. It gets to shift and that's a process. I don't think it necessarily goes that way or has to go that way for everybody. I'm also not saying that things that your parents do are like all of a sudden fine because, oh, you understand why they've done it.
Speaker 1:I think there's an element of that that is helpful for your own self and that's kind of the core of what I'm getting at is that sometimes we find connection through our parents, through our family, through our community, and other times I think we are almost withheld from that for a good reason. And I think that's kind of what I'm noticing about this cancer season in general, just for the collective and you know, collectively is that there's this element of, I don't know, maybe having this realization that in so many ways we have connection and community available to us and that's amazing and important and wholesome. But I think the basis of true community can really be found when you hold yourself and realize yourself in terms of being your own mom and dad, reparenting yourself, being your own authority, being your own safe place, so kind of touching on that kind of masculine and feminine polarity and then finding the neutrality within that which is that meeting point and that wholeness of both in balance. So that's just one of the themes that I've noticed with this particular cancer season is that it can be vital and important and helpful to find community and home within yourself and see how that affects everything else. Every year, cancer season will bring up similar themes, but they'll also be flavoured differently each year depending on, you know, the other things that are going on energetically and cosmically. So yeah, but I just think it's an interesting one. This year it's a little bit deeper, perhaps because I'm in the Southern Hemisphere as well. I'm really noticing that winter vibe, with people really going in deep. People who are in the Northern Hemisphere might be finding that more through the awareness of their communities or lack thereof.
Speaker 1:So many things can affect how we take everything in, but I guess at the core of everything I'm saying is that cancer season is such an emotionally and energetically rich season to really delve deep, connect to yourself and then see how that connection to self also ripples outside. It's definitely something I've been experimenting with and enjoying a lot and just finding that peace within the self and within aloneness, you know, even though there's people around me just really having that awareness of like I'm safe, like I'm okay, I'm connected and I just I love that. I actually took a well-deserved break from my readings recently, um, just because I have had the pleasure of doing so many readings, um, for so many beautiful humans and clients and I've been really advancing myself in that way and really like going deep into my work and connecting to it and connecting to other people, and that's been just so incredible and I can just barely even believe that I've been able to create such a good, I guess, career. But also it's helped me to just have this like beautiful rest and, you know, not really having anywhere to go or anything to do, you know, besides our everyday chaos in life. But yeah, so it's been really beautiful to just experience this cancer season from more of an internal place than perhaps how I have before, where it was a lot more to do with kind of, you know, family and emotions. But perhaps on the more dramatic side of the scale, I think we are all really working hard in our own ways and perhaps also finding it a little difficult to truly articulate, perhaps, what we are feeling, thinking or going through.
Speaker 1:I would say that's definitely true of people who are a little bit deeper or who have maybe like more exposure to lots of different awarenesses, because they can pick up on energy when you're a little bit more. I was like psychic empathic. No, I more just mean like open. I think we can all get really stuck in in words and like to put labels on ourselves to make us feel good, but I feel like it's just yeah when people have a real openness to so much awareness within their mind and so like take so much in from the field of life.
Speaker 1:I think it can just be, yeah, overwhelming and difficult. I lost my train of thought and I'm rambling, but I, uh, yeah, I just, I think it can just be, yeah, overwhelming and difficult. I lost my train of thought and I'm rambling, but I, yeah, I just I love to do these podcasts during those kinds of moments, just so I can hopefully be a place of connection, calm and, yeah, just a little bit more clarity. But I really feel like we are all just working through so much and people who are a little bit deeper might take cancer season a little more intensely and I think it's really important to know, if you are one of those people, that it's going to be OK and that it is OK and it's a process and also it shifts and changes. But the work that you do put in emotionally during this season, I really notice pays off a lot in time to come.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of tower moments as well and a lot of change going on and I think it's really important for people to find balance at this time, especially in terms of the past. You know it's depending on your chart. Some people can be very connected to the past. Some people's mind space actually operates through memory. That can be a difficult one because when cancer season hits specifically, it can really feel like the past is kind of the biggest thing and it's real and it's still really here and it's also dictating the future. So that can be a little bit of a wormhole. That can be difficult for people with those specific placements. So it's really good to focus on balance.
Speaker 1:If that is you and know that there's change and shifts and transformations going on, and it is quite like shamanic. And what I mean by shamanic is like it traverses different like awareness states, like from conscious awareness to our subconscious, like it's all kind of it all blurs and it all comes up and it all asks to be seen. So it can just be a lot to shift between all of those states, especially if there is something connected to the past that feels like it still has a bind or cords kind of connecting in within you that is likely to have started or begun during that childhood space and it's just kind of more to do with our roots and then it creates off there, if that makes sense. So, paying attention to our roots, yes. Paying attention to our family, yes. Taking notice of our community, yes. All great memories, very normal past relationships, things coming up, patterns coming up, all really perfect for this moment. But also just finding the balance and peace within that.
Speaker 1:And I guess a part of that balance is also paying attention to judgment. Cancer is connected to judgment in a way, and I guess it's just what I'm really noticing is that everybody has this little child within them and I think it's just become a lot more pronounced to me really over the past couple of weeks I wanted to say a couple of months, maybe a couple of months it's become a lot more pronounced to me and it's so helpful to realize that we have that in a child that is, you know, can feel really upset and then can lash out or can say things that we don't really mean or have those defenses, and I think for a lot of us we've probably built some really good defenses because we needed them as well and it is very connected to that childhood place and that family place and who we are within family, our family dynamic. What I think is important, though, is to maybe, as a collective, start to notice a little bit more that there is an inner child within all of us, and it is a vulnerable place, but it's also a place of immense strength if you just pay attention to it. But it's also a place of immense strength if you just pay attention to it.
Speaker 1:But why I said earlier that cancer is also linked to passive aggressiveness is that I really feel like passive aggressiveness is almost just, or even passiveness or aggressiveness independently. I really feel like it's just a matter of not being connected to that inner self I'm going to say just inner child or younger self. I feel like the assertive place is when you actually connect in with your inner child self or your younger self and, you know, have a connection to your. Now. I feel like that is assertiveness, when you're actually in relationship or in connection with that inner child self, that younger self, and you speak from there like I think passiveness is when we are out of connection with the younger self. I feel like aggressiveness is when we're out of connection with the younger self, and I feel like assertiveness is just when we're actually one with ourself and I just think so much of the spiritual journey for sure. Like, yes, we talk about inner child healing and da-da-da and play, and that's all great and lovely, but are we ever really truly connecting to that inner child self to the point where we are talking as us in this present day, but with the awareness of our inner self? That's what I feel like is assertiveness.
Speaker 1:Is just having that just connection mentally of like, okay, what am I saying? Do I actually feel this? Am I reacting from somewhere? And I feel like just knowing that you're connecting into the younger self when you're speaking just naturally helps you to feel assertive. And if you don't quite understand what I'm saying, then it could be helpful to experiment with it.
Speaker 1:So next time you're talking to someone or something happens, just try to like mentally know that you're there, talking to them as the you that you are now, but also try to connect in somewhere deep into your body, maybe your solar plexus, you know, just up above your belly. Just notice this inner self inside of there and try to ask them what's going on for you right now? How do you feel about this? Is there something that you want? How can we be the most authentic in our expression and you know response right now.
Speaker 1:It doesn't have to happen all the time, but I think it's helpful when we are learning to come out of passiveness, which can be linked to people pleasing, et cetera, and even codependency, coming out of aggressiveness and coming, which is really to me, a state of like not feeling in control and perhaps that inner child not feeling like they were in control and then instead coming from that middle point of view, that assertive space of I've got you, let's do this. We can talk from this space of wholeness but also when you're working with your inner child like it can be vulnerable, it can be moody, it can be emotional, it can be a space that is super uncomfortable and it can involve your family members and community and people around you. So it can just feel. It can feel like a lot, but I think just collectively understanding that we kind of operate from that place is an interesting thought. I pulled a few cards as well and one of the big things that came out was that there is this shift in how we serve or show up in service and I can really feel that with people, not necessarily because it's coming out overtly or obviously, but I more can feel like the undercurrents people kind of sensing within themselves. Hmm, what do I want to change, you know and it might not even be totally within the conscious awareness, but I do think that that is a big part of this moment right now is that we are fundamentally changing how we give and how we kind of hold space, you know, for others, for ourself, how we connect. And this is just connected and linked back to everything I've just been speaking about and, I guess, what's in the way of our connection. But, of course, when we kind of come to this place and we work with this energy, of course it's going to upgrade it the more that we work on it or work with it. So I think that's really beautiful.
Speaker 1:On the shadow side, which is always something I love to talk about, um, every sign has a shadow, every energy has a shadow. On the shadow side, cancer can be pretty envious, be pretty envious, jealousy can be a little louder and doubts can overtake our actions. From my perspective, kind of from an astrological perspective or an energy perspective, I feel like this is really linked to that root system and, of course, if we're not paying attention to that inner self, that true soul self. If we are not in harmony with that version of ourselves, everything that anyone is doing is threatening. It's that can be born from. We just don't know what we want and what we're doing, so we just think everything is attacking or everything is you know, this or that. Perhaps people are jealous, perhaps people are attacking, perhaps people are trying to be passive, aggressive with you.
Speaker 1:But once again, just the inner child and that's not to say your inner child's, you know, really not impeccable right now, but just to have a little bit of awareness and wisdom, because the inner child in yourself and others could very well just be, you know, reacting. But why I think that doubt is such a big thing is because cancer is quite connected to insecurity, and insecurity is connected to that younger self, things we picked up on, ways in which we learned to, as I kind of mentioned, protect ourselves, defend ourselves, and it's not really based in loving ourselves. So if during this month and this season you've really been able to love yourself not from an ego perspective, because it can also be defensive in terms of like I love myself, like I'm cutting everyone out, that's like not on my vibe, who doesn't see me like, okay, love that for you in lots of ways. But also, if it's a defense mechanism, then also not helpful and also not going to be helpful into the future. So, all in all, I think this is just a month to really take notice of why we do the things we do and also just notice our patterns that could be coming from hurt or a deeper rooted emotional space.
Speaker 1:It also requires a little bit of surrender, as all water energy kind of does, as our emotions do. You know, depending on how much we've built up, emotions will either be highly uncomfortable for us, they could be over to the other extreme, where they are kind of out of control. So just really taking notice of the water within us and the way our energy flows or doesn't flow is super helpful. But yeah, also that act of surrender and really asking ourselves how are we traversing the physical and the emotional? Are they flowing together? Is there a block? Are we more in the physical? Are we more in the emotional or energetic state? That becomes a really relevant question and I think it's really important. But once again, it's all linked to our pride, it's all linked to our self-esteem. It's a really big month. It's a really big energy. There are other signs that rule self-esteem and self-worth and self-connection, but this one is more of a rooted place. It's more like the true emotional reasons for why we keep things away from ourselves or are closed or are defensive or not real or feel like we have all this stuff going on with other people and there's this little drama tornado happening within us. Self-esteem is massive but but yeah, so is pride and that's very cancer season.
Speaker 1:I love the. There's this thing I read somewhere I can't remember when it was years ago but it said Scorpios are just cancers with a leather jacket. Maybe that's not totally relevant, but what I'm trying to get at is that I kind of feel like there's a little bit of a Scorpionic thread to Cancer. Scorpio is just, honestly, 10 times more defensive and sometimes I'm just like, please, can we. Just we need to work through this leather jacket shield that we've got on. But Cancer is kind of similar in the way of like they can be quite not just cancers.
Speaker 1:I'm kind of just talking about the energy in general. But the energy can be quite just impenetrable. It can be really great in terms of self-protection, protecting the family, protecting your community, being a real heartfelt, loving, caring person, but it can also just be unhelpful and just be another shield and another way to keep the ego intact and the persona intact that that small child is, you know, needing to be seen as. So definitely have a feel into that if that is resonating with you in any way. Take notice of how the pride self, the prideful self or the ego self, could be kind of masking a self-esteem issue or a self-connection, self-love issue, more so than anything that the pride or the ego would say that it is. I really truly feel that we all are actually just trying to move towards happiness and being able to embody that in the moment.
Speaker 1:Why I love astrology so much is that it just gives a map and a, you know, a toolkit to just really work with things in a way that is kind of logical. I love when people say astrology is like woo, woo, it's just, it's so kind of mathematical and logical. To me it's, it's psychological, it's very brain oriented, it's very connected to the body. It's not this thing that you go off and do and it's like disconnected from the here and now and the physical and the logical and the practical. It's. I mean, it depends on who's wielding the tool, but it's designed to, in my opinion, just be a wheel that forever cycles you further and further and closer and closer within and to knowing yourself, to the point where you can begin to create. You can begin to create. So I'll leave you with that one, because I have a lot more I can say about that and perhaps we'll do a podcast on that as well.
Speaker 1:But to all of my deep feelers and aware thinkers who can feel so much going on, I'm really with you. I see you. I do a lot of my work for you and for people who are just experiencing this for the first time and going through their first cycle, having this awareness of this cancer energy. I hope you're doing okay as well and try to journal, try to look into your relationships with other people and maybe go a little bit deeper and ask why you may feel the way you feel about them, not to say that it's totally to be fixed within you. We are all yes, we are all mirrors and, yes, there is a spiritual undercurrent to life, but also we're all individuals and we all can help each other and we can all step up and stand up. So everything you're feeling is valid. And then also, how can you go a little bit deeper with it.
Speaker 1:I do notice that in cancer season people can, yeah, as I've said, kind of go really hard into it or also avoid it, and I think it's good to just be somewhere in the middle, feeling it, noticing it, really feeling it if there's like energy there and like emotions and a mood, because that means that there's something within that's really trying to release. But otherwise, just being with the emotion, staying with yourself, you know, embodying assertiveness in the way that you connect with yourself and then the way that that connects outwardly, I think that's just a power play for cancer season. But anyway, we have a few days left of cancer season and a massive Capricorn full moon. Perhaps I'll do a podcast on that or just a post over on my Instagram, which is at Taylor Bain, which is spelt very Celtically and different T-A-I-Y-L-A and then Bain is B-A-Y-N-E. So yeah, perhaps I'll do a post on that.
Speaker 1:But yeah, enjoy, enjoy the release, enjoy the upgrade. It's really worth it to do this work and it's going to change. And then you know, everything you do beyond that compiles and really creates a world where you're more aware, more connected, more loving, and I think that's really worth it. Have a beautiful day or night, wherever you are, and I'll speak to you soon. Love you, bye. And just like that, another episode of the Venus Lounge is done and dusted. If you've made it this far, please be sure to like, leave a review, subscribe and share wherever you can. This helps me out so much. Can't wait to see you next time. Bye for now.